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Download Free Ebook : Practical PHP and MySQL Website Databases

You do not need to acquire an extensive knowledge of PHP to create interactive databases. I introduce all the PHP you will need in the appropriate place within each project. Each piece of PHP code is explained fully in plain English. The step-by-step, fully-worked examples will show you what MySQL and PHP can do and how to do it. Practical PHP and MySQL Web Site Databases - A Simplified Approachis for web designers who wish to begin developing database-driven web sites. Like the author, they may have struggled with the current manuals and despaired. They may also have been frustrated by the limitations of paint-by-numbers content management systems such as Joomla and Wordpress. 
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Download Free Ebook : PHP Programming With MySQL

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, or PHP, is an open source programming language that is used for developing interactive Web sites. More specifically, PHP is a scripting language that is executed from a Web server. Created in 1995, PHP is one of the fastest-growing programming languages today. Th e TIOBE Programming Community Index ranked PHP as the third most popular programming language in the world.

Download Free Ebook : PHP & MySQL for Dummies

Think of this book as your friendly guide to building a Web database application. This book is designed as a reference, not as a tutorial, so you don’t have to read it from cover to cover. You can start reading at any point — in Chapter 1, Chapter 9, wherever. I divide the task of building a Web database application into manageable chunks of information, so check out the table of contents and locate the topic that you’re interested in. If you need to know information from another chapter to understand the chapter you’re reading, I reference that chapter. Here’s a sample of the topics I discuss:

Download Free Ebook : Visual Basic .NET Profesional Projects

This book provides a hands-on approach to learning Visual Basic.NET, one of the most popular and easy-to-learn language provided by the .NET framework. The book is aimed at readers with programming knowledge of earlier versions of Visual Basic. These readers are assumed to be experienced application developers who have knowledge of developing applications using any of the earlier versions of Visual Basic. 

Download Free Ebook : MATLAB Programming for Numerical Analysis

MATLAB is an powerful software to calculate, create graphics, iteration, and many mathematics function you need. This book contain many application from MATLAB with numerical analysis. Just download and read by yours.

Download Free Ebook : Learting to Program with MATLAB, Building GUI Tools

To learn how to program a computer in a modern language with serious graphical capabilities, is to take hold of a tool of remarkable flexibility that has the power to provide profound insight. This text is primarily aimed at being a first course in programming, and is oriented toward integration with science, mathematics, and engineering. It is also useful for more advanced students and researchers who want to rapidly acquire the ability to easily build useful graphical tools for exploring computational models.

Download Free Ebook MATLAB - Modelling, Programming and Simulations

During the last decade the use of MATLAB® has been consistently increasing in scientific academic institutions as well as in several branches of industry that deal with topics ranging from economics to spacecraft orbit simulations. This software package has been proved to be very efficient and robust for numerical data analysis, modelling, programming, simulation and computer graphic visualization.