You do not need to acquire an extensive knowledge of PHP to create interactive databases. I introduce all the PHP you will need in the appropriate place within each project. Each piece of PHP code is explained fully in plain English. The step-by-step, fully-worked examples will show you what MySQL and PHP can do and how to do it. Practical PHP and MySQL Web Site Databases - A Simplified Approachis for web designers who wish to begin developing database-driven web sites. Like the author, they may have struggled with the current manuals and despaired. They may also have been frustrated by the limitations of paint-by-numbers content management systems such as Joomla and Wordpress.
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, or PHP, is an open source programming language that is used for developing interactive Web sites. More specifically, PHP is a scripting language that is executed from a Web server. Created in 1995, PHP is one of the fastest-growing programming languages today. Th e TIOBE Programming Community Index ranked PHP as the third most popular programming language in the world.