This book presents the MATLAB computer programming system as a problemsolving tool for scientists and engineers who have no prior knowledge of computer programming. It is based on a teach-yourself approach; readers are frequently
invited to experiment for themselves in order to discover how particular constructs work. The text was originally written as a companion to a hands-on course at the University of Cape Town. Most of the students taking the course had little or no computing experience and came from disadvantaged backgrounds. Consequently the book assumes that readers have no knowledge of computing, unlike most
similar books on MATLAB.
MATLAB is based on the mathematical concept of a matrix. Again, unlike most comparable books, this text does not assume any knowledge of matrices on the part of the reader; in fact the concept is developed gradually, as the context requires it. Since the book is written primarily for scientists and engineers, some of the examples of necessity involve some first-year university mathematics, particularly in the last chapter. However, these examples are self-contained, and omitting them will not detract from the development of your programming skills.
MATLAB can be used in two distinct modes. In keeping with the present age’s craving for instant gratification, it offers immediate execution of statements, or even groups of statements, in the Command Window. For the more patient, it also offers conventional programming by means of script files. This book makes good use of both modes. On the one hand, it encourages the use of cut-andpaste techniques to take full advantage of the interactive Windows environment, while on the other hand also stressing programming principles and algorithm development, with the help of structure plans.
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